2021 Games club AGM (April 25th 20:00)

Dear Gamers,


This year's annual general meeting (AGM) will be on Sunday April 25th at 20:00 and take place over Zoom. The purpose of the meeting is to report on the status of the club, elect a new committee for 2021, and discuss the future of the club. The meeting is open to all members, so I encourage you all to attend! In particular, I'd like to encourage you to attend if you've recently joined / are interested in joining the club and haven't had the chance to play games in person yet.

Zoom link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/67116514814?pwd=RmdQV2lLTll5VTZHdTJub0VnNWVadz09 

If you would like to submit a motion to be discussed, please could you either reply directly to this message or send an email to games.club@cern.ch so that we can make sure it is added to the agenda. If you would like to run for a committee position then there is no need to let us know in advance.

I'll send out a reminder and some more information closer to the date :)

Happy Easter!

Steve (on behalf of the committee)